
  • Mrcs Part A Essential Revision Notes Book 1 Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 10:40

    PrefaceThis book is an attempt to help surgical trainees pass the MRCS exam by putting together the revision notes they need. It was written (in the main) and edited by trainees for trainees and while we do not claim to be authorities on the subjects by any means, we hope to save you some work by expanding our ow n revision notes and putting them in a readable format. Originally written when we were SHOs, as time has passed and we have ourselves climbed the surgical ladder, we have updated the text but have tried to keep the style of the books as accessible and informal as possible. Medical students interested in surgery may also find it a good general introduction to the surgical specialties.Now in its third incarnation we have refined this edition further to cover the evolving MRCS syllabus in two volumes. These two books have been designed to be used together and in conjunction with the existing PasTest MRCS Part B OSCE’s volume. Although the format of surgical examinations in the UK has changed to include OSCE assessment, the principles of core surgical knowledge remain the same, and often a good exam answer starts with a structured summary followed by expansion of individual points.

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    We have, therefore, arranged each topic in this format, and we have used boxes, bullet points and diagrams to highlight important points. There is additional space around the text for you to annotate and personalise these notes from your own experience.

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